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Top 6 Myths About Hotel Management

July 25, 2019 01 : 57 pm

India is a country with hundreds of possible career options for an undergraduate to choose from for their higher education. When we speak about the scope of careers in India, conventional careers like Engineering, Management, Medicine, and Law take the cake, primarily due to popular opinions. But, there are careers, beyond the realm of these conventions that provide equally great scope, and a sturdier career progression.

Hotel and Hospitality Management is one such career field that is going unexplored by the youth of the country. This is largely due to the various myths and rumors associated with the hospitality industry.

1. Myth: Career in Hotel Management Is Just Cooking and Serving

Most people have the idea that a career in hotel management  starts and ends with a job of cooking and serving food. When people hear “Hotel management”, they imagine visuals of a male chef in a white coat and a tall, white hat.

The realityis entirely different. Hospitality & Tourism is one of the fastest growingindustries in the world today.

Hotel Management is so much more than, just cooking. It is a serious career, for the standards of excellence, impeccable quality, and stellar service always! The hotel industry offers many opportunities, based on an individual’s skill.

2. Myth: Hospitality Jobs are restricted to Hotel Industry

Hospitality industry is a vast field with scores of other management industry encompassed within its scope. It includes, among other things and beside hotel management, event planning, sales and marketing, accounting departments, mall or multiplex management etc.

Other fields that attract hospitality graduates are Event Management, Airlines, Tourism Sector, Catering industry, Blogging & content creation, Education & Training, Food Processing and Restaurant consulting.

3. Myth: Redundant career

The above myth can be slashed outright.   Having a job in the hospitality industry meansthat you get to have a wide range of opportunities at work. If youare the type of person who loves variety then this is the perfect job for you.You could be rotated to different tasks and responsibilities every now andthen, so you never stop learning and you never stop growing.

Hospitality industry opens up the gates for you to work in five star hotels like Hyatt, Oberoi Group, Taj Group, Trident, etc. A hospitality graduate can also work in casinos or luxury cruise ships, giving them a well-paid as well as enjoyable career not only in India but also abroad.

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4. Myth:  Less Pay

Once yougraduate with a hotel management degree, there are limitless opportunitieswaiting for you. You are open to join the hospitality sector, as a managementtrainee and move up the ladder with experience

Entry-level hospitality jobs may not pay much more than minimum wage, it’s pretty easy to advance from your first position into one with greater responsibility (and thus a larger salary) fairly quickly, if you’re willing to work hard to prove your worth to your employer. Add to that the variety of opportunities available in the industry. You’ll never have an excuse to be dissatisfied with your career.

5. Myth – It is a choice for students who are not strong in Academics.

We don’tneed rocket scientists, but a good academic knowledge creates a strong foundationto build your career.  Hotel managementinstitutes in India have an extensive course curriculum including businesscommunication,  accounting, humanresource, marketing, multiple languages, etc.

Hotel Management studies offer a chance for students with these abilities to shine through and hence disprove the above misconception.

6. Myth – Hospitality jobs are not suitable for women

Thisindustry has seen a healthy increase in number of women holding high posts andis a great field for young female graduates to build their career.

Thehospitality industry thrives on elegance, flair, and grace that a woman carrieswith herself.  It is an industry where awoman’s charming personality, calm-headedness and general observational andmanagement skills are appreciated and promoted.

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