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Impact and Importance of Vegan Foods

February 25, 2023 01 : 30 pm

(By Chef Shashi, Chennais Amirta IIHM, Balkampet Campus, Hyderabad)


Vegans are those who choose not to consume any products derived from animals, including but not limited to meat, dairy, eggs, and so on. The vegan community holds the view that all living things should be afforded the same opportunities for happiness and survival as the rest of humanity. Vegan is derived from the first three and last two letters of vegetarian put together. These days, a significant number of individuals are deciding to adopt a vegan diet as a result of the fact that the majority of vegan foods are composed of predominantly plant-based foods such as vegetables, nuts, and grains. Vegan food options have expanded in recent years, which is one of the most noticeable shifts associated with the growing popularity of veganism. Almost any item that used to contain an animal byproduct, like cheese, milk, meat, or eggs, now has a vegan equivalent.

Co-Founder of Vegan Society

History of Vegan Foods

According to the Vegan Society, the first Vegan cookbook was published in November 1944. This would make the cookbook approximately 78 years old. However, veganism has been practiced for a significantly longer period of time, dating back to 500 BCE. Pythagoras, the Greek philosopher and mathematician, is credited with promoting benevolence among all species, as well as what might be described as a vegetarian diet, which includes foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, etc.

Types of Veganism

  • Whole Food Vegans: People who consume whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, dry fruits, and nuts.
  • Dietary Vegans: People who avoid animal-derived products, but continue to use them in other ways, like cosmetics and clothing.
  •  Raw Food Vegans: People who eat raw vegetables/fruits, or cooked at less than 48°C

Vegans and Veganism do not believe in using animal-derived products like cosmetics or clothing. They believe that every creature on this earth has its own life and freedom. Going vegan has a lot of health benefits and also helps reduce the risk of diseases. Chennais Amirta prepares students to apply a wide range of skills to recipe method writing through culinary terms.

Educating students about Veganism

When it comes to vegan foods, a very wide variety of preparation methods and flavour profiles can be found. These days, companies are producing vegan alternatives to foods such as meats, desserts, and beverages in order to ensure that they are meeting the ever-increasing demand from customers while simultaneously remaining relevant in the market. It’s true that a vegan diet does not include any animal products, but making the decision to go vegan often entails other major adjustments to one’s way of life. A vegan avoids using any product, service, or activity that involves the use or exploitation of animals.

Here at Chennais Amirta, students are taught by some of the best educators in the field how to prepare delicious meals using only plant-based ingredients, expanding their horizons and inspiring their imaginations along the way. Students will learn about the many varieties of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains, and pulses, as well as their unique culinary applications. Catering to the increasing interest in vegan, vegetarian, and plant-based diets, Chennais Amirta offers specialized culinary education for these diets. We teach students how to use cutting-edge cooking methods to create delicious, healthy, and environmentally conscious vegan and vegetarian dishes from scratch using only whole foods.

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