Hotel Management industry is highly experimental and skill based. It requires deeper understanding and creativity to sustain in this industry. Students must be aware of what they study practically. Practical work promotes self and experiential learning.The importance of practical classes in the hotel management courses has endless advantages. Let’s dig deeper into it.

Deeper Understanding
Can you feel the reflection of light just by reading a book? It’s not possible, right !!
When students get hands-on training of the subject, they are given an opportunity to explore and gain practical knowledge. Hotel Management Practical classes can reduce cramming of the subject. Students get deeper knowledge when you make mistakes, rectify it. This can be possible only through practical exposure.
Passion for Subject
Ultimately, practical learning develops passion and love for the subject. Real time project and experiment interest students more than books and lectures because they are more interesting and engrossing than reading regular books. Students become more passionate towards the subject.

Skill Development
The students can try something new on their own and experiment. This enhances creativity and results in innovation in the hotel management industry. Non cognitive skills like interpersonal skills are important in Hotel management industry. This can be developed through practical learning. Interactive sessions and experiments are important features of practical education which ensure the involvement of students, where they can make mistakes, learn and understand deeply. To improve the learning level, practical work should complement theory.
Problem Solving
During practical classes, students can experience real life challenges faced in the industry and can think of great solutions.This strongly develops the problem solving skills of the students. It also helps them grow professionally when then accept feedback and apply the lessons learned. One can settle in any situation no matter what’s thrown at them when they had exposure through real life challenges.

There is a famous saying “Teamwork makes the dream work”.
In hotel management industry, it is more important to work and lead the team. This helps to share the knowledge. Team spirit is not only being cooperative but also displaying strong leadership qualities when necessary.
In conclusion, practical classes can improveevery student’s life and leads to better opportunities, as there are morechances for experimental situations involved in Hotel Management Industry. Practical exposure makes students moreconfident about what they do. Practical work is an application of theory.Theory creates a strong base for practical work. One must achieve a balancebetween theory and practice for best results.